Monday 14 May 2007

Australian Literature

Some of you are probably going to want to ask, "does it exist?" or will say, "that's an oxymoron".
Perhaps you're right. But given that the lovely Kemery has just refused a copy of We Of The Never Never which my Grandmother gave me for Christmas (which she had purchased as a secondhand volume herself some 15 years before and had left on her shelf until she gave it to me, and which I found on the weekend under a pile of paperwork at the weekend) I was wondering if there ARE some Australian classics anyone thinks we simply SHOULD read?
Come on. There must be one.
Mustn't there?


Lindsay said...

ok, I know most of you read it in high school and probably hated it, but I have to say I loved Cloud Street when I picked it up a few years ago. Dirt Music was shite though.

shiny said...

I read Underwharf for uni in first year which I really liked.
Seven Little Australians? Corny I know but it made me cry as a kid, I spent most of my childhood in other countries so I felt like such reading was my patriotic duty.
I got about halfway through a novel called Grace which was mostly set in the far north. I really enjoyed it apart from the main character who I thought was a whining brat. And Zusak of Book Thief fame, although not born in Australia, lives in Sydney.

my name is kate said...

Ooh having slagged off my heritage I must say that My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin really is good. Picnic at Hanging Rock's not half bad either.